Why not San Antonio?

Why not San Antonio?
General William Travis drawing the famous line in the sand.

Being a local I look around this city and see so much potential. We all do, let's be honest. Our hard working culture and way of life here is something a lot of cities do not have even if they tried - it's just natural. In a sense the way forms of value came along; seashells, marbles, paper currency, it all happened naturally. What the city might require is just focus, being a city of so much diversity our goals are scattered where as if we were to focus all this attention onto a certain subject we'd be able to get there faster and most importantly together.

That's what San Antonio Bitcoin Club is doing along with Alamo Bitcoin providing a space where quality individuals can come together, communicate, and build quality product straight out of the count down city grass roots style. Big changes are coming to the tone whether we like it or not, and now it's up to us the people to choose where this ship sails. United we are strong. A form of this stands right in the middle of down town. Go take a look and tour of the Alamo along with the battle of the Alamo, it's a symbol of unity where Colonel William Travis drew the famous line in the sand and asked all the people present," If your with me cross over the line".
